The Mender Blog

As part of the inbound marketing strategy I designed for the brand Tear Mender, I created a bi-weekly blog to serve two purposes: to serve as a platform for creating content catered around whatever keywords we wanted to rank for, and to attract site visitors and begin to nurture them down the sales funnel. Below are links to some of the individual posts.


Shorten your jeans and keep the original bottom hem in less than 10 minutes? With no sewing? All you need is a pair of scissors and a bottle of Tear Mender.

Are you looking to extend the life of your skate shoes? How about an alternative to the Shoe Goo method? Check out this week’s blog - fixing skate shoes with Tear Mender!

Tear Mender is a secret ingredient used by the best fly fishers in the world. Professional fly tier Kyle Chanitz explains.

Check out this tutorial for a NO SEW way to add patches behind your ripped jeans and how to stop your distressed denim from ripping further.

Are you a table tennis player looking for a great table tennis glue without the excessive markup? Look no further.

Do you have problems tying your tie at the correct length? If you are a big or tall guy experiencing this problem, we’ve got just what you need. This week we reveal the best 5 tie hacks.

These 10 mind-blowing environmental statistics will make you think twice before replacing your next piece of clothing. Make do, mend it.

Do you have a damaged leather car seat? In this guide, we’re going to walk you through fixing the two most common types of leather damage in a way that will last and look great.

Don Droke Specializes In hand-made, Civil War era reproduction baseballs. Tear Mender Is his secret to assembling his creations. Learn how his hobby led to the Baseball Hall of Fame showcasing his work.